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Writer's pictureMike Ikaika Vierra

The Surf Department Contractors

Okay so there's this...

I will let you guys put purpose to #teambodyboard existence. This service is assigned to the team in the Equipment Service option in the bunch of services tab at

This is the remedy to lots of normal problems a rider of the storm would have. The most problems a rider would have to their experience in the water would be with their use of equipment. Some people ride whatever they can get their hands on. They are usually part of the contingent that says, "It's the rider, not the equipment, that makes for good surfing". We are here to publicly say that we are going to try and bridge the 2 opposites to that saying (both the rider and the equipment together) and make sure that everyone knows that it's at the combination of the 2 that makes for a window of good surfing experiences not unlike the window of good conditions at the beach we all want to surf in.

So, the equipment matters along with the skill of the rider.


#TEAMBODYBOARD has been revived for a bit of time. The Pro of #teambodyboard has been in contact with the boss and it's been interesting for boss to experience due to his status as a Professional Athlete and Active Competitor in the community. It is safe to say he has had a career doing this and the boss kind of had to stiffen up to even hear about future negotiations for work with Blaine. It's been fun and even when we had to be serious, that was okay as well.


So Stoked Boogie Series

Keiki Korner @ Makapu'u Beach Park

Our #teambodyboard prospect, Blaine Andrews, was in that contest and placed 3rd in both the Masters and Open Divisions. He is of high priority to the company because he is the functional part of the team. He is the sole #teambodyboard representee for Vierra Surf & Turf and Saltwater Aficionados, respectively. We are interested in bringing him on to work for a wage, but doing what he likes best. Bodyboarding.

Before Blaine's First Final. He is in the grey top, to the right.

We hope for a strong consideration for Blaine to join us and begin work with us. We think this was a important showing for the company. What a Christmas season this year was!!

Merry Christmas to you, the reader, and God Bless you.

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